1. TIMELINE To practise: CREATE YOUR OWN TIMELINE 2. PREHISTORY 2.1 PREHISTORY 2.2. Whatch some videos! 3. MIDDLE AGES (5th century to Discovery of America) 3.1. VISIGOTHS MIDDLE AGES Middle ages diagram 3.2 AL ANDALUS AL ANDALUS PPT 3.3 CHRISTIAN KINGDOMS The Reconquista: ( From 722 to 1492 ,"15th century") Isabel of Catille and Fernando II of Aragon get married (15th century( and they united both crowns. FEUDALISM (Society) The end of the Middle Ages REVIEW! 3.4 CULTURE AND ART During the Middle Ages, several styles of art emerged in the Iberian Peninsula. Some were the result of the evolution of previous styles; others arose due to the mixture of different influences. 3.4.1Visigothic Art Churches were small and were decorated with geometric or vegetal patterns . Example; San Juan de Baños 7th century 3.4.2Al- Andalus Art They used the horseshoe arch and domes . Their constructions were built with poor materials but richly and profusely ...
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